Alongside the tweets for black lives matter are a number of tweets from Balochistan asking justice for a child whose mother was shot dead. At times like these, words of author Jamil Ahmed ring true: speaking about injustices in Kashmir and Palestine is easier than Balochistan.
I have been writing on missing persons and Balochistan for almost eleven years now. And there’s so much more to research, write and report. During this time I have seen reporters turning on each other, asking for the “intent” and “need” for such writing.
Still grateful that there are news organisations who publish such news stories despite the open backlash. But they are decreasing as we speak. I remember one of my colleagues declared to his editor that he won’t report on the missing persons case. “Reporting on Taliban is easier”
The entire point being that even with the kind of backlash that we see/face while writing about the PTM and the Baloch or Ahmedi or Shia persons, it makes it that much more worth writing about. As for the colleagues who turn on you, there are many more who will do so.
I have learned to look for those who help or assist with information. There are such people around. At times information comes from the unlikeliest of sources but it does. Hold onto those.
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