So since Kihyun is about to drop his Natural cover today which is one of my favourite song of Imagine Dragon. I'm going to do analysis of the song!
I heard a lot from my cousin that I became a fan of Imagine Dragons because of Kihyun but no. Imagine Dragons been part of my fight from my depression and anxiety. They're my spirit lifter.
I remember memorising formula while listen to Natural.
My favourite songs of them are Believer, Natural and Radioactive. Okayy enough with introduction.

So we've been knew that Imagine Dragons plays so much with metaphor.
The line that persona referring is moral values, humanity and the persona is asking the listeners if we still holding humanity or moral values as nowadays people been giving up to be nice. They live as judgemental societies; full of hatred.
In this house of mine stands for during my old days and the persona said that during his old days people been taught that everything come with consequences. So, they took care of their morality because what comes around goes around.
but the persona have self doubt. Is his act of holding up morality will save him from his sin. Will God save him as he's been holding the line so strong along with people during his days
Milenials nowadays have to work so hard to be accepted by the society. yes a judgemental society which lead you to pain and you started to lose yourself. You have to bear the pain to be accepted

Milinials are the product of society that lack of humanity
but hey it's cool to be hunter than prey. So persona been telling people to stop being victims of cruel society.
so be YOU! You're natural. You're you. You don't have to be someone else but you have to be cold to be able to survive because it's hard. You heart must be as hard as stone to be able to get through the judgment of the society
The persona been asking, is there someone to help them? Explaining to them what's happening with the world? As we grow older we realised we have to face the truth which hurt us so much. Is there gonna be light throughout someone's life but we have to be the light of our own.
but it was so hard to be you; to ignored people's judgment and the persona started to fade away. All he sees is darkness but he made an oath to make sure he will live his life as himself. So he goin to make sure he succeed whatever it takes
you're natural so stop being someone else to please people. They won't care. I know it's hard but let's try together!
okay end of thread. Thank you for reading! I'm sucks at writing. Can't wait for the cover! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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