Always nervous when tweeting about US politics because:

a) Silicon Valley hates it &
b) I’m from England

The 🇺🇸 has given me a lot, and I hope someday to become a citizen.

That said, here goes.
I feel a rage when I see the injustice around us.

What makes it worse, is how blind everyone is to it (or at least how few speak up, myself included).

Politics is a dirty word for us technologists, not something to get our hands dirty with.
Growing up, I remember reading “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”.

The opening lesson it shared was that to get ahead financially in the US, step 1 is to incorporate a company.

The way the tax laws are set up, you benefit from being a corporation vs being an individual.
Having moved here, I’ve seen this first hand. The US economy is optimized for corporations (profit), & not its citizens.

When I learned economics at high school, we were first taught that the economy exists for the people.

People don’t exist for the economy.
Slowly I’ve had my awareness increase at the foundational injustices at the very core of the system.

Think housing, healthcare, education, etc
There’s little equality of opportunity.

We must to do better.
I don’t see it getting better without revolution (it’s okay to have multiple republics 🤷‍♂️).

The constitution doesn’t seem like it means much anymore and checks and balances no longer work.

The Social Contract is broken.
Also, a lesson from decolonization.

At school, I researched what explained the differing rates at which empires like the British, French and Spanish gave up their colonies.
The most predictive variable was how quickly the cost benefit ratio of maintaining the colony changed.
For colonies, civil disobedience eventually drove out the colonizers out by rapidly driving up the cost side of the equation.
For 🇮🇳, everyone’s heard about Gandhi but it was the freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh that actually moved the needle.
There’s no real cost to the police for their brutality.

History suggests that to drive change, we have to drastically flip the cost benefit ratio.

That means continuing protests, removing immunity for criminal cops & hurting them financially.

You can follow @kul.
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