My thoughts on #AntifaTerrorist (please check all )
1. When I can't verify the source of the "proof" they do bad things is a truthful one (last one I seen was InfoWars, and that's probably worse than Fox News) I'm not going to accept the argument
2. When I can't verify the source saying they are good - someone saying ANTIFA doesn't do violence - you can't really 100% umbrella term that, as we seen with Anonymous in 2011, when they had fractured and were acting out of line of what others in Anonymous said... etc
3. How do you know who is ANTIFA or not? It seems like it would be E X T R E M E L Y easy to just apply the label to anyone at the site of a protest, be it peaceful, or in the vicinity of riots/looting.
I am open to discussion from both sides. But you must have supporting evidence that is not speculative. In this thread, if an argument where your evidence is because someone said X, and you can't come up with anything else, then you admit defeat.
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