theres going to be news that comes out that will make you not trust anyone, not even yourself, news that many won't like or can't handle, people will deny it under any cost and come out with excuses as to why it may not be real
remember not to frighten yourself with this news-
it is going to be scary, but not unexpected, it is going to take down many powerful leaders and many powerful things in this country but remember who the people are that are exposing this to us, they are on our side
the world will be frightened and silent for awhile, no news
no shows, no movies, it will go on a pause
people won't know what to do and things won't function currently for awhile
theres two things that can happen and it's that society will crash or society will become more at peace

the goal is to help us though
not to help the leaders
the goal is to save us
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