
So, I wanna get better at Gposing and so I'll be taking in requests for single people, since I'm not good with groups, but I should still try. I'm willing to make alts on any data center to visit but then the locations for gpose would be limited if it's outside of Light.
-I won't be requesting any kind of payment and I'm sorry if my mood drops or if I have any sudden plans during any requests.

-I'll be using various lighting and shading to see what fits the requests better.

-I don't use CMtools

-I'm not great at Gposing more then one person
-Wanted location will be very limited if the request is outside of the Light data center

-Wanted poses/emotes/skills will be the requester to decide, but I'm willing to experiment as well

-Any outfit can be worn by the requesters

-I can't guaruntee satisfying results/outcomes
-My timezone is EEST

-The request can be postponed if desired, but don't stretch it too much, please

-Reply to this thread or shoot me a DM if you're interested and we'll decide when it's possible
You can follow @GrowingLamby.
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