Army I heard there was some trouble going on within the fandom I've been inactive lately but I just wanted to say this,do not let antis win. Yall are here hurting each other and for what? Why let them affect you ti the point where you're going against each other?
Yall have made it this far and you just decide to give in and break? That's not the army I know the army I know stand their ground and fight back,they don't give in to anyone they stay and work together so that they get through their hardships..together
You need to realize that you're doing exactly what they want you to,turn against each other,dont give them that pleasure and fight back. I know it's a hard time for all of us right now but we only have each other and if we get separated..we're nothing
I need you guys to stay strong for not just bee tee ees but for yourselves as well please hang in there and please dont fight
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