Which brings us back to this tweet I posted yesterday. And the 1998 KKK rally in Memphis. A thread. https://twitter.com/therhancock19/status/1266879246942851075
For a predominately black city you would think that Memphis wouldn’t have a Klan rally. But.......
Directly across from where I attended community college Nathan Bedford Forrest was buried. On the river was a park named for Jefferson Davis and he had a statue overlooking the river that was erected in 1964.

So a Klan rally wasn’t surprising.
On MLK weekend 1998 the KKK held a rally on the steps of the county courthouse in Memphis. So halfway through these clowns speeches someone threw a rock and all hell broke loose.
If you’re familiar with Memphis you know that the first five streets south of Poplar are named for the first five presidents. The courthouse in Memphis is at 2nd & Adams.

Folks took off and went a block over to Jefferson and North Main and destroyed property.
I wasn’t downtown that day but I do remember this little white kid that went to Fairview with me getting kicked by Memphis cops when he was down there.
Meanwhile a few miles away on Beale & Danny Thomas a peaceful march was taking place. Nobody burning shit. Nobody throwing rocks.

That march didn’t make the news. The ruckus on Adams & 2nd did.
My point in all this? Pay attention closely fo what images the media wants you to see. Understand that ratings isn’t driven by peaceful shit.

But by chaos.

The more chaos the better the ratings

/end thread
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