I try to keep tweets to happy things, or at least self aware complaints about nerdy things. Toy pics, games, stories...

I've been posting more (well, more for a hermit anyway) because the quarantine had stress levels up.

But this... You can see where this is going.
The injustice, the riots, the videos of police brutality...

I have thoughts on this. We all do.

But my perspective is from the privilege of distance. I'm a hermit on the edge of the woods. My heart aches, but it's empathy that drives it, not firsthand experience.
Even at a distance, the grief is staggering.

I've sat here for ten minutes with that statement, chewing words to find a followup, a tidy point to the post, but, there's just that statement.
Even this thread of comments seems too self centered.

How dare I comment on the state of things, on my shock and grief, when here I sit in safety, when I can step outside to singing frogs instead of blaring sirens.

But staying quiet seems wrong too.
You can follow @ThatMattBooker.
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