... you started slavery and had to watch hundreds of thousands of men die before you had to have it forcibly taken away from you

you wouldnt let women vote in the first place. they had to protest and fight for decades before they were even listened to (1/?) https://twitter.com/petersweden7/status/1267129939360432129
-you were the nazis. still are. just because the nazi regime happened in europe doesnt mean that a vast majority werent white.

-you want to claim discrimination? while innocent black men are actively being killed for no reason other than their skin color? and locked up (2/?)
on drug charges that a white man wouldnt even be investigated for? while black men, women, and children have hundreds and hundreds of years of inequality built into the way that america runs? show me how negatively disproportionate you are effected socioeconomically. (3/?)
show me the history of white men being slaves and not slaveowners. show me the history of white men being barred from establishments, schools, and office, as well as having LAWS put into place to disadvantage them because of their skin color. you cant. you simply fucking cant. (4
-white privilege means that you see yourself represented in media everywhere. it means that you are the majority, and you wont get killed just because you “looked suspicious”. it means your culture isnt mocked and looked down upon and stolen by those who do the very same (5/?)
thing. i am white. i recognize the privilege i have and see it every day in the way that im safer in the hands of the police than any black person, no matter what crime i commit.

-male privilege is real. its well and alive in most facets of your life. you dont have to be (6/?)
terrified of walking alone at night for fear that youll get kidnapped. you’re taken seriously from the get go and nobody speaks over you. you aren’t told that your reasonable and appropriate outfits are “distracting” as early as the age of six years old. (7/?)
-as a male, a white male no less, you have had america tailored around you and now that people are starting to rip those stitches so that they can stand on even ground with you, you decide to get angry. black people do not owe you for treating them with basic human dignity. (8/?)
women do not owe you for finally having our voices heard. “alt-left” is a sad misnomer for the concept of “we need to dismantle oppressive systems so that the oppressed can gain equality and equity”. black lives matter should not be a controversial statement. all people (9/?)
are equal should NOT be a controversial statement. as a grown adult male, you shouldn’t be having a high school student fact-checking and dismantling your piss-baby statements. if youd like my apush textbook to see all the places it backs my points up, id be happy to share!
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