In the midst of my acute anger, my righteous indignation, the scenes of those in power abusing that power, the scenes of those with nothing to lose inciting violence* on behalf of those with everything to lose, I have seen something over the last few days that gives me hope:
I have seen so many people show up.

I have seen people — who were either unaware or unwilling to speak up in the past — show up.

I have heard them voice their acknowledgement that something in our country is broken and that it is past time to fix it.
I have seen people who didn’t want to “rock the boat” in the past make unequivocal statements that racism is not only real, but a problem that demands our attention.

Some of that is because it’s more “acceptable” now to say it.

That’s fine. That’s progress too.
I am encouraged by this.

But if you’re one of those people, I need you to know: this is not a finish line. This is the start. Acknowledging the problem is step 1.

Now comes the hard part(s):
- finding tangible ways to take action beyond a tweet or Instagram post
- having hard conversations with loved ones who have latched on to riots as an excuse to wave off the problem
- showing up at city hall, at local government town halls, engaging when it is inconvenient.
To my great shame, I was in my 30s before I truly realized that systemic racism was not an empty complaint. It’s a paradigm-shifting and frightening thing to embrace.

And — last point: you’re going to need some endurance...
Because the problem we are facing is not new. It’s not small. It’s not weak. It is probably going to out-live you.

And you have to decide to fight it anyway, with no promise that you’re going to see the big payoff at the end.

But you have to fight anyway.
Because if you don’t? If you get discouraged because it’s too big and too evil and too monied and too armed and too powerful, then the great evil wins.

There will be ebbs and flows. Pushes forward and setbacks.

But you can help push us forward. For our kids. And their kids.
It requires a certain sense of unselfishness to fight for a cause that you might never see emerge triumphant.

But it’s the right thing to do. You know it. Do it because that is the value of a life lived: in doing what is right, because you believe it is right.
I’ll be right here beside you.
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