Rubber bullets were invented as a way to break up riots by firing the bullet at the ground with the intent to bounce into people’s legs without injury. They are expected to produce contusions, abrasions, and hematomas in those cases. And police are shooting them point blank.
They were first used in the United States in the 1960s during civil rights protests and anti-war protests. They stopped using them after a fatality in 1971 but resumed later in the 1980s.
The most common rubber bullet used from the proper distance is the equivalent of a full force punch from Mike Tyson. Imagine taking that at close range.
Wooden bullets are being used in Columbus Ohio in lieu of rubber bullets. These were used often in Hong Kong and are known to splinter upon impact to the ground and skin, causing wooden shards to erupt.
Rubber bullets are known to ricochet uncontrollably when fired at the ground, but wooden bullets can splinter and explode upon impact. Both are extremely dangerous.
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