I think Carlos is right. Military units, likely the Green Berets, went into Minneapolis on Saturday.

They grabbed all the real arsonists/triggermen/outsiders driving the violence using EMP's to disable the cars.

They talked over night.

Today Trump Barr made the announcement.
Not all of the people they caught in Minneapolis on Saturday night are American.

Not ONCE did Trump or Barr say they were limiting their terrorist designation of Antifa to ONLY THE AMERICAN AFFILIATE OF IT.

Commentators are CLAIMING that to you.

Trump/Barr didn't say that.
Antifa was PROVEN to be an international organization working with other countries to carry out acts of violence and terror on US soil.

I don't care HOW many people confidently pontificate to you that Trump & Barr have no idea what they are babbling about.

They're wrong.
BTW, don't wait for them to parade around for the cameras who they caught and overtly reveal this.

If that ever does come out , it won't be until this is all over.
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