BPD had a strategy to incite conflict with a peaceful crowd of protesters tonight. There is no doubt about it in my mind.

Here’s how it went down:
1) surround Common while people gather peacefully
2) block off gates & the narrow/twisting side streets to force those leaving into direct confrontation w/riot shielded-units
3) declare all caught inside this Common trap “illegal rioters” to justify attacking and subduing them
The cops feel threatened by this national uprising and they are trying to reassert their authority with what feels like a war on their own people. And our politicians are too craven to stop it (or are transparently on their side).

BLM has been raising the alarm for years.
From the scanner: this strategy was apparently called “flushing the Common.”

They were hunting us. https://twitter.com/fnbboston/status/1267292886799876096?s=21
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