
ARMYs, don't overreact about issues lately. Emotions shouldn't rule you. Educating ANTIs has no use, clapping back has no use.

We need to educate the fandom, about big and small serious issues.
In jusy a span of April-May, two BTS members were attacked and who knows? It's June and it is a big month for us, issues lately are beyond normal. Issues are tied with global issues, just look at how they dragged Jungkook with Covid-19 and Yoongi with Black Lives Matters.
These issues are outside Kpop community and music fandoms right?
They want serious issues to tied with BTS, since their baseless accusations of plagiarism, sajaegi and their awards irrelevant, has no use.
They want Big Hit and BTS to lose partnerships, and investments (MONEY THEY WANT THEM TO LOSE MONEY) because these issues. I'm not gonna name the companied who are mad about Big Hit, it is obvious. Look at who are attacking us everyday? Aren't they the same people?
But they are getting larger because they attract Locals and Non-Kpop people to attack on us. Calling BTS as r***** is far from being called irrelevant.
I'm learning about Big Hit's going public and business, it's kinda complicated but to make it simple.
They want Big Hit and BTS to lose loyal (and future, possible) investors, business and profit. This is not a typical ANTI attack and fanwars, it is more organized and planned since media are involved.
K-ARMYs found it suspicious for medias to base their news articles on post tweeted/posted by fan accounts which is not a reliable source, and it doesn't apply to that.
I'll explain further, about this if I was able to learn about the business stuffs but for what I analysed in this situation. This is it.
Edit: I heard Big Hit is going public, and it would attract more investor. It makes sense why they wanted Big Hit and BTS dirty for them to lose potential investors.
( this thread is from ©️: @613bu )
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