Thread on the conservative non-response to this week's police tactics:

Where is the hard right in all this police over-reaction in the last week? These guys have told us for decades that a fascist police state is imminent in America - watch 'Amerigeddon' - and insisted just 1/
two weeks ago that closing Walmart or the IHOP was the road to serfdom. And now the Floyd response has been queasily police state-ish – cops kitted up like Darth Vader, armored vehicles, harsh tactics like teargas and rubber-bullets, targeting the media,a POTUS itching to send /2
in the military and shoot looters. Shouldn’t Wayne LaPierre be complaining about ‘jack-booted thugs’ again? Liberals have suspected for decades that the militias, tea party, NRA, etc. were more about racism and nationalism than ‘freedom’ or constitutionalism. If the cops had /3
moved against the ‘Liberate’ protestors last month, we would have heard a lot about the Founders and the ‘tree of liberty.’ And now?

This is one ‘value’ of the Trump presidency: its stark illustration of the will-to-power, at the expense of principle, of one GOP faction /4
after another. Evangelicals sold their credibility to an impious, unchurched, Biblically-illiterate, philandering sexual predator none of them would let near their daughter. The business class greedily took the tax cut, knowing it was unnecessarily procyclic and funded /5
irresponsibly by deficits. The far right suddenly doesn’t worry about government overreach, self-defense, or incipient fascism when state power is used against non-white people. And GOP elected officials, most of whom know Trump is an offensive, incompetent man-child grossly /6
out of his depth, mostly just rolled over to keep their offices. So much for the‘constitutionalism’ of Cruz, the libertarianism of Paul, or the tolerant GOP of Rubio. Ironically, the only faction not to kiss the ring has been the neocons; writers like Kristol, Jennifer Rubin, /7
& Max Boot have been core Never-Trumpers. So what’s left? Plutocracy? White nationalism? Guns? Is that a platform for the future? Hopeful, and engaged by actual problems in the country rather than Fox News phantoms? That is the National Front, not an American political party. /8
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