I'm close to saying that 2020 now tops 2008 as being the worst year I've lived through

For context in 2008:
My parents divorced after years of separation which brought years of lying and hatred thrown from both sides which has ruined my relationship in many ways with both of them.

I got incredibly sick and was hospitalized for over a week.
Discovered I have a lazy eye (Might've been late 07, but whatever). Leaving my vision at 20/200 even with glasses. This also caused severe headaches for years while my brain was trying cope with it.

Stuff like the recession happened but I was too young to understand it fully
I don't know really know what I'm accomplishing here with this thread. I guess I just really wanted to vent about my past which I never do.

Anyways 2020 can go burn in hell. What an absolutely atrocious, dumpster fire of a year.
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