I'm done talking about this but the thing that fucks me off so much about these conspiracies is the way they obfuscate ways in which the world is genuinely fucked up because of white supremacy and wealth inequality and replace them with easy answers that let you feel like a hero
the Epstein case could have been a turning point, could've allowed people to understand how the rich and powerful don't live by the same rules as us, their absolute class solidarity, but instead of trying to understand any of these things in a wider context, people turned inwards
it couldn't be that this man was allowed to do these evil things because of the systems of oppression that our society is built on, it had to be a fucking puzzle about who knows who and from where and why because people want an answer that makes them feel smart
and it is so existentially terrifying to come to the conclusion that the world we live in not only allows pure evil, but necessitates it. but we have to, because lizard people and Lizzie McGuire and pizza cyphers are not the answer.
this is why people want to believe Anonymous work like superheroes, why conspiracy communities function and sound like religions, why conspiracy theories are consistently right wing, because if there isn't an easy answer, there is only one incredibly hard one.
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