I’m not black but I’m middle eastern arab and muslim I know how it feels to be treated different and I faced rasicm too but yet still I can’t even imagine how black people are feeling or what they go through on a daily bases and the amount of hurt,anger and fear of injustice -
-They face just because of their skin color..I still can’t understand why having different skin color makes you better or worse than one another??!! Rasicm is a creation of beings I’m calling them beings instead of human beings cuz they don’t deserve to be considered humans tbh-
Cuz Little kids & babies don’t discriminate cuz they r still not yet engaged in the process of feeding them with any kind of information they act naturally and purly this is the origin of the human being before getting exposed or effected by anything else,we’re all born this way-
Rasicm in every shape or form is manmade and if people don’t stand for justice and stop this ugly discrimination and rasism then who will? If not know then when?
It’s our duty as decent human beings who believe in justice and equality, peace and love to stand with our fellow human beings that are getting harmed everyday until justice is served and rasicm fades-
wherever you are from it doesn’t matter anymore this is a human crices and humans stand together in times like this.standing with blm forever until they don’t face harm anymore.can these stupid racist get educated that we all come from the same person we all came from adam &eve-
!! Like even if they don’t believe in this or not even believe in science it still racism it doesn’t make sense to me at all not like 1% I have ever felt like im better than someone else because of anything at all !!! Skin color education language religion ethnicity etc. !!
The others who knows there r no differences between this color n that color & still racist I think they r jealous of ur beautiful chocolate skin & beautiful genes that u inherited and your wisdom or whatever you have that they don’t.all racists have a problem-
it is strange to me calling people asian black white brown etc.!!Like I didn’t grow up grouping people it might be because of my family the way I was rised, the society I live in or religion? the grouping? Like I don’t get it ! Like I’m Kuwaiti -
I’m talking about me my own experience here not all Kuwaities okay ..cuz unfortunately in every part of the worldthe racism exists
In the end of this thread I just want to say that today & every day black people,these beautiful people are getting hurt harmed killed & face injustice in every shape & form let’s standup for them today & everyday until they are safe all around the world -
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