I noticed a few mutuals who I thought were cool unfollowed me. I guess me not talking about games, animals or queer things and RTing about police brutality and black suffering was a buzz kill.
I've been struggling for days now the best way to talk about the horrific things happening to all the brave people out there protesting because a man was murdered by the police and the simple undeniable truth that Black Lives Matter.
I've been worried that even with the best intentions I would somehow say this in a way that doesn't acknowledge my privilege or somehow make it about myself. But it's not just enough to believe that racism is bad and Black Lives Matter. You need to say it.
I am not great at expressing my feelings about this in words and that's why I have been RTing so much. There are far more knowledgeable people who KNOW what they are talking about who can talk about this better then I can.
So yes. I'm RTing a lot on how to help the protestors, on how to educate yourself to be a better white ally and to raise my voice at the politicians, brands and cops trying to distract or reroute blame. A man was murdered and our system was never meant for non white people.
I will still be tweeting about videogames, cute animals, and fun and cute queer things, but I can't just keep seeing and absorbing everything and not commenting.
And if this means people who follow, interacted or even like me stop, then that is fine, because I don't need people who are going to shy away from this or think things like desteoyed property is more valuable then black and POC lives.
I am angry. I am scared. And I want to help. I will donate when I can. I will raise my voice. And most importantly I will listen and take direction from black and POC people if I screw up and change (that includes this thread too).
Oh and just to make sure there is no confusion. All Cops are Bastards and there is absolutely no argument you can present that will not change that.
I really am sorry if this was too long or "not fun" but I had to get this out. I will still be tweeting about streaming and games and queer shit but my thoughts and RTs about helping other people are not going away. I ❤️ you.
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