No. They should stop teaching it the WHITE way- which is that slaves were dumb & unattractive

When they were actually foreign chemists & agricultural biologists. Geniuses who were nonviolent that white ppl were OBSESSED with to the point of wanting to eat them & wear their skin
These agricultural genius biologists were also doctors who understood health, sickness, disease, and how to solve that from DEAD LAND. They healed them & taught THEM- not the other way around. White people were savages who turned against them with weapons & chains
People who were enslaved were so intelligent that the they knew how to clean water without systems. Harvest LARGE plows of land & turn that land into food, clothing, even HOUSING for GENERATIONS. Some of the houses they built are STILL standing. That’s GENIUS. They were JEALOUS.
And we were welcoming & nonviolent bc we didn’t have practices of commonly killing our own neighbors unless it had to do with sin. White people did not have such morals. They killed each other, fucked their families, ate rats, and left dead ppl in their backyards to feed to herd
That’s how the plague started- bc they ate dead bodies without cleaning them, shitted in corners, never bathed, pissed in their own drinking cups, new nothing of soap, thought cleanliness was actually taking blood with dirty needles... and so much more-That it caused a plagued 😭
They would beat slaves bc they were so attracted & obsessed with them that it made them angry. They would try to mutilate their bodies so they could shake the attraction & caused them WITCHES for making them so lustful. And beat them for it after sex with them
That’s why white women always begged the slaves to tell them that they were beautiful too. That’s where “you is nice. You is kind. You is beautiful.” comes from. And they broke them down by taking their children. Some would even rape, eat, and burn their children in front of them
Slaves were not weak- they were abused. They were burned. They were collectively beat & shot just for existing. Just like today. We are NOT weak. We just have never been the level of disgusting savage as whiteness & racism. That’s why this looting is HISTORIC for us.
Slaves will also multilingual and had different languages from their native tongue to communicating even through plants and hairstyles. White people could not keep up which is why they didn’t want them to learn English- but they knew that too. They pretended they didn’t 😭
So on top of them being jealous of their hair, they would make them shave their head so that they couldn’t communicate through natural hairstyles. They also communicate through songs in their native language which would tell them escape routes.
Along with understanding the planets, they would use the planets to know when they should plant, harvest, and pick. And used the stars to get to destinations & it made white ppl angry bc they didn’t understand HOW 😭
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