Today, Black folx who have lived in Chino Hills for 14 years, 26 years, 32 years expressed how this was the first time they’ve seen our community show-up for them and actively condemn the anti-blackness that is rampant in every corner this city. /1
The CENSORSHIP of voices raising awareness about today’s action in our community facebook page is a blatant example of that. As a reminder (because I kept hearing this language by non-black folx during our circle-up) it is NOT Black folx in responsibility to educate us /2
explain their oppression to us. It is our RESPONSIBILITY to use google and talk with our families and friends and challenge all manifestations of anti-blackness in our kitchens, classrooms, cars, cubicles, parks, and more. /3
That INCLUDES our APIDA and Latinx peers who think it’s okay to say the N-word as they blast music down grand avenue. That INCLUDES our immigrant parents who say racist things and enact anti-black microaggressions when walking through stores at The Shoppes. /4
That INCLUDES the AHS/CHHS behavioral protocols that prioritize policing Black students instead providing them with tool for success beyond varsity sports. That INCLUDES our RACIST police department who framed Kevin Cooper who remains on death row. /5
Today was powerful, but it is the BARE MINIMUM of what we can be doing right now. DONATE and redistribute the wealth that is so damn concentrated in this city, ENGAGE your loved ones in conversation and call them in to unlearn anti-blackness and white supremacy, /6
VOTE in ALL levels elections if you have the privilege of citizenship (news flash we live in a swing district), and SHOW UP and SPEAK OUT at protests, vigils, city hall meetings, and on online forums like Chino Hills Connections, today, tomorrow, and every day after that. /7
We have a lot of work to do. ✊🏽❤️ #BlackLivesMatter
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