Starts w/ @JasonReynolds83 pointing out that People of Color & Black people & Indigenous people are not interchangeable. They havel completely different experiences in this country. PoC allows white people to feel more comfortable without actually talking about anti-Blackness.
"I'm tired & exhausted of trying to educate y'all into not killing me... @KielyBrendan is going to be the voice to tell white people how to stop killing me. Racism ain't my problem, I just die from it." @JasonReynolds83 on the importance of white people taking responsibility.
And @KielyBrendan points out for white people "Racism is always violence against the body. We are either administers of it or can run and hide and don't experience it ourselves. We have to get proximate instead of saying it's not me."
Hearing @JasonReynolds83 talk about why he & @KielyBrendan wanted to write All American Boys: B wanted there to be a book about white privilege. J wanted to write the book where the Black boy lives.
& @JasonReynolds83 tells @KielyBrendan he should write a talk for young white people..How they have the ability to help someone. They grow up not having to think of themselves as white & privileged & powerful b/c they don't get a talk. @RdngTeach shared 1!
"White people can have great intentions, but if we aren't listening to Black people when they're sharing their truth, we're causing more harm b/c we're not listening to the person who has painful truth to talk about." @KielyBrendan We don't want to admit our own accountability.
And @JasonReynolds83 responds, It hurts to implicate one's self. So erasure or combativeness come through.
Brendan: White people fall into the seduction of distancing ourselves...
We need to acknowledge we are inherently racist in so many ways (simply because we move around this country with white skin) & we have to work to be antiracist... What needs to be undone is not quick.
Brendan reminding the white people listening to this conversation that we have to have the courage to talk about this antiracist work in predominantly white spaces also. Can't just be performative in BIPOC spaces.
Love that @JasonReynolds83 asks @KielyBrendan to reply to those who say kids are too young to talk about race. B: "Part of the problem is by avoiding it, we deny reality, & perpetuate racism by not talking about it."
This is my go-to infographic in response to this concern!
We are perpetuating the cycle of violence that is the root of our country's history when we tell Black people to just take racism & live with the violence. We perpetuate this anti-Blackness by demanding peace without analyzing where this pain comes from. @KielyBrendan
The truth is that white privilege is actually power. That's where we live in this country. - @KielyBrendan
It's OK for us to be concerned about violence & still understand why it exists. RACISM is violence. Even when it's passive, it's violent. - @JasonReynolds83
We have to acknowledge the source (racism) & trauma (systemic oppression) that leads to the violence.
"You have no idea the pain the Black community is in... Never blame a child for breaking its own toys when they don't have the words to express their pain." @JasonReynolds83
"Do everything you can in your power to push against every inkling in your mind that says something is wrong w/a Black person. Push back against the bias that says something is wrong. So much racism exists in the 1st place b/c of fear & b/c of a belief Black people are inferior."
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