I am a mom and a grandma, and first and foremost I am a Black woman.

I am Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, Renisha McBride. Just like millions of Black people across our city and country, I see myself in every murder of Black men, women and transgender people. (thread)
And our people are saying enough is enough. We’re standing up to demand Black people are treated as full human beings, where there is true accountability and repair for hundreds of years of harm.
As a restorative justice trainer, I know that to repair harm, you start with accountability. When a system refuses to hold people accountable, there will be no repair -- no peace.
Now is the time for all elected officials in power to come together to pass an agenda that is truly for Black people, for working class people. We need a Black stimulus.
A Black stimulus means funding the basic necessities that have been withheld from Black communities for generations: affordable housing, quality public education, and a clear rejection to any increase to the police budget.
Disrupting systems of oppressions is never easy, and it’s certainly often messy, but the path is clear. We must act swiftly and boldly to undo the hundreds of years of systemic oppression for Black communities. The time is now.
You can follow @KendraPHL.
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