Disappointed but unsurprised at journalists attempting to contact me positioning inaccurate articles on Bill Shorten, the labour party and #robodebt. This is profoundly misdirected when the personal involvement of the Prime Minister in this programme in 2015 remains unexplored
Without being pompous, as an academic my only angle is the law and truth. As proof of that yesterday I answered Luke’s questions about the residual pre 2015 debts. But don’t anyone dare drawing equivalence between those forgotten files and what they let loose on people in 2015
So I will take this from the start, once. And tbh I’ll go back to my everyday work. One thing we can do for the quality of public debate is shift the key date in many accounts. up front averaging: the designed, chosen unlawfulness began in April 2015. Too many OCI only articles
In April 2015, in order to generate savings, DHS ran two pilot trials. For the 1st time ever staff were directed not to gaher employers for payslips. 68% of debts were averaged. A fact that was actively celebrated in dept.
The unconfined joy of the “integrity” team was such they rushed a measure into budget 2015 before the final analysis of the pilot. We will do 100,000 files for you because of this new streamlined unlawful process Ministers! This is #robodebt right here: appendix 3 ANAO 2017
So when @CroweDM writes his (great) piece on the 2016 budget he is catching the expansion of #robodebt not its creation. The portfolio Ministers ain 2015 were Payne (DHS)and Morrison (DSS). Evidence from Secretary Campbell (dhs) seems to indicate coordination with DSS
The Trojan @jpwarren has been fighting for years to get the original business case released. A key piece of evidence is Min Morrison’s media statements at the time. The argument=by making these statements he made the documents releaseable. OAIC ruling: http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/cth/AICmr/2019/70.html
link to the press release that signed the original writ for robodebt is below. The gov has appealed the OAIC ruling to the AAT, Justin continues to fight alone but we demand these documents are released&the key decisions in 2015 known https://mobile.twitter.com/DarrenODonovan/status/1266255008233709570/ https://twitter.com/darrenodonovan/status/1266255008233709570
I ask everyone to support @lukehgomes work, his story was about ensuring no person is left behind. My academic commitment is to find unlawful decisions. That people would instrumentalise it for agendas, is so telling about how people’s suffering gets erased and nothing changes.
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