hi, everyone! i think that there are a lot of people sending the blacklivesmatter carrd to idols via dm & b*bble but reminder that itโ€™s not translated to korean!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ if youโ€™re sending the link to artists who are fluent in english then ignore this but if youโ€™re not then!!
hereโ€™s a link that you can send instead: https://lettersforblacklives.com/%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%ED%95%98%EB%8A%94-%EC%9A%B0%EB%A6%AC-%EB%B6%80%EB%AA%A8%EB%8B%98%EA%B3%BC-%EC%B9%9C%EC%B2%99-%EC%97%AC%EB%9F%AC%EB%B6%84-%EC%9A%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%97%90%EA%B2%8C%EB%8F%84-%ED%9D%91%EC%9D%B8-%EC%83%9D%EB%AA%85%EC%9D%80-%EC%86%8C%EC%A4%91%ED%95%B4%EC%9A%94-cc7bac2283a5
although it doesnt have information on the current events going on rn it does open up a way for discussion on anti-blackness, something that is still so sadly prevalent everywhere.
of course thereโ€™s no guarantee these idols will ever see our dms+
+but at least if by chance they do then itll be in a language they can understand and prompt them to hopefully do some research or look it up on social media!! ><
here's also something you can use: https://twitter.com/nctvault/status/1267245041803644928
You can follow @baojaewin.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword โ€œunrollโ€ to get a link to it.

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