I guess we need to say it twice? Abolish the police. https://twitter.com/gopallegheny/status/1267218726857977860
Everyone’s welcome to say it with us. Say it louder, if you want. Add your only little style and flare to it. We support you.
Abolish the police! Hahaha, a third time. Wow.
And look, we don’t just say abolish the police because it’s fun to say. Here’s some excellent texts on alternatives to our current policing system:

1) “Abolitionist Alternatives,” Angela Davis, Are Prisons Obsolete? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YrSFc5_WdD68EB0eH7eP7U2q1M-zW0rG/view
2) INCITE!’s Community Accountability Best Practices: https://incite-national.org/community-accountability

3) “Philly Stands Up: Inside the Politics and Poetics of Transformative Justice,” Esteban Lance Kelly …https://communityaccountability.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/philly-stands-up.pdf
4) “Taking Risks: Implementing Grassroots Community Accountability Strategies,” by CARA (Communities Against Rape and Abuse https://solidarity-us.org/files/Implementing%20Grassroots%20Accountability%20Strategies.pdf
Goodnight, Pittsburgh. Abolish the police.
We close this thread with one question:

The Pittsburgh Police Department budget for 2020 is $114,787,000.

What would you like to see Pittsburgh do with that money? What does your community need?
You can follow @pghDSA.
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