Making a thread of resources, advice etc on ways to stay informed and involved outside of protests. If you have any, please comment and so will I. Getting your information from social media alone isn’t enough. If you’re scared to protest save this and stay tuned. No more excuses.
I will slowly but surely be adding stuff here, doing as much research as I can before sharing with y’all so I know I’m being credible and thorough but if I ever get anything wrong feel free to correct.
@OneArizona provides a lot of useful information on current social matters.
I have the @newsbreakApp app, they post both local and breaking news. If anyone knows of any other good local news sites feel free to share.

Just found this thread
You can follow @Ishanah4.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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