i am taking a break from this toxic fandom. some of you call yourselves allies, but you’re literally gang doxxing all the black people in this fandom for feeling the way they do about this whole jim jones sample. first, it was about his expression and now it’s “he didn’t know”?
you all disgust me. you hide behind hashtags and all you do is feel bitter all the time. i remember when i loved this fandom, but as soon as it began to grow... i knew we were fucked. this whole situation has shown you all’s true colors. we are hurting and all you care about is—
protecting him over actual fans that are dying... my people are dying and your performative activism isn’t enough to save them. i need to see some actual movement within you all. do not stereotype me as some angry black woman because i am not simply that. this is more than kpop.
please to all my black mutuals... take care of yourself. i thought that i would be okay but being an activist for your injustices is hard. i have cried everyday. i have been putting a front and trying to be strong but there is strength in release, in letting go...
you don’t have to be strong all the time. take a break. protect your mental health and protect your heart. you are important and your voice matters. be safe if you protest... and know you are still a big help to this movement even if you don’t ✊🏾🖤✨ #BLACK_LIVES_MATTER #ACAB
what i feel and how i feel about what effects me and my blackness is my business and mine alone. no black fans have to agree with me... i know a coverup when i see it. you decide your own fate and what side of history you will be on. not me, not bts, not other army... just you.
people are going to call me a fake stan and call me out of my character bc i never posted about them or retweeted anything publicly. i have nothing to prove. bts definitely changed my life and i love them, but this is my limit rn... i just need some time...
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