People have enjoyed a condition in society (and on social media especially) that "SHAME ON YOU!" is an acceptable and effective tool for forcing someone into a position of submission and conformity...
Then someone comes along and says "you cant shame me, I know where I stand" and the people who have, up until that point, enjoyed relative success with that tactic are left dumbfounded, flustered and ultimately angry...
They then seek to amplify that shame. They organize others to create a chorus of "SHAME ON YOU!!!" because it has always worked before, it will surely work with others behind me!

But then it doesnt. So they escalate. They enlist your employers, your friends, the news etc..
They seek to involve your spiritual leaders, and even the full force of a sympathetic government, all in an effort to bear down with "SHAME! ON! YOU!!!!"

But why this tactic?

Because it is precisely what will work against them. Because they themselves are vulnerable to shame
The thought of being shamed and shunned by anyone fills them with dread, hopelessness and discomfort.

They are the worst kinds of "respectors of men". Its terrifying for them to encounter someone who says AND BELIEVES, "I only fear God".

This is, I believe, a driving factor in the current "cancel culture".

Many of us got wise to the game and said "LOL, no!"

That wasnt acceptable. Now we have outrage mobs who's sole purpose is to, I suppose, prove that shame is the greatest morality...
A morality in which they enjoy a position of authority, having themselves defined the limits of acceptable thought, speech and belief, amd through force have brought you into subjection to its mighty power...
If morality exists outside of a framework that I can sit atop, then I'm insecure. Then I must question myself, and that simply wont do! No, it is the bigots, the phobes, the people who think *differently* from me who are *unkind* and therefore wrong...
Any position that someone has that could possibly make me feel marginalized or "less than" is therefore wrong.

If I feel bad about something you say, you must be wrong. My emotional state becomes the arbiter of morality.

Nevermind how often it changes, those are the new rules
Because this is an atypical morality, they're comfortable destroying anyone "who deserves it".

Right and Wrong are no longer part of the equation.

Its utilitarianism run amok. The ends (your submission) justify the means (your destruction)
And it's not a submission to a greater good, it's to a "good enough in current year". Its a moving target.

What is ok and acceptable today, you'll be FORCED to apologize for tomorrow. No context. No mercy.
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