you can't say "let's focus on our region" @ everyone who decides to show solidarity with another cause while you barely spread awareness yourself? race is a global issue, not an american one. spreading awareness about it inspired in-region awareness and that's amazing
people argue and educate about the palestinian cause and other important issues in our region every single day, that doesn't stop when you say "i am against racism" but if you're mad that's not trending then by all means, get it trending
your values don't get thrown out the window just because you chose one day to spread awareness and knowledge about what's happening somewhere else. instead of the negativity, see how these issues apply to our region and spread awareness about them
the middle east isn't all white or tan, it is such a diverse and multicultural region. and black people exist. and discrimination against black people, here, exists. talk about that then, because our politics are pretty messy and broad too.
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