Why I believe, if we don't reflect now, the #MewGulf fandom will continue to grow more toxic:

-A thread-
I want to start by saying that I completely understand that most of what people are saying comes from a good place and this is in no way me bashing certain people. I've been noticing the fandom growing more and more toxic, constantly attacking people or companies, and it needs +
to change. Recently, I have seen #tepiscancelledparty on my timeline and I feel like I really need to bring this up now before this fandom goes down the wrong path.
I understand and AGREE that what happened earlier might have not been professional on their side, but by starting a hashtag saying they're cancelled isn't the way to go about things. It only causes issues not only for us as a fandom by creating drama within us but it causes +
issues Mew. We, as a whole, need to think things through before starting things like this because at the end of the day it all falls back on Mew and Gulf. If we are saying that we love and only want what's best for them then we need to find a better way to go about things.
Aside from that hashtag that started only a couple of hours ago, I feel like every day there is some sort of drama that people are talking about with the #MewGulf fandom and I'm worried that it's because we aren't acting as a whole and are, instead, attacking each other +
based on who our 'bias' is. And OF COURSE it's natural to want to stick up for them. They have always worked so hard for us and always want the best for us.. but don't y'all think we owe it to them to stick together instead of Mewlions and Gulf stans constantly fighting?
Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, should be a competition between them and yet I'm seeing sides bashing each other over the dumbest things. This will only cause rifts between us as a fandom as well as breed a toxic mentality that isn't good for anyone.
I keep thinking about how I would feel if I had just finished TTTS and discovered how amazing and hardworking #MewGulf are but then saw the things that are constantly being fought about or seeing Mewlions nitpicking things that Gulf does or the way Gulf stans act. I know that +
I will probably get shit for saying this but it's frustrating seeing it happen. I KNOW that not all Mewlions are like this but I think the ones that are tend to be really loud about their 'support' for Mew. I completely understand why people feel so protective of him and we +
all want what's best for BOTH OF THEM but we really need to change the behavior of attacking each other over the smallest things. And this is in no way me saying that there aren't problematic Gulf stans. I simply think it's because Mew has a larger following. I ask for people +
to please not misinterpret this thread as me bashing on anyone whether it be Gulf stans or Mewlions. I'm simply saying we need to stop fighting each other. We need to stick together and try to understand each other. We need to all take a step back and think about what +
Mew and Gulf would think if they see the things that are being fought about. This warped mentality of us 'protecting' and 'sticking up for' our faves is only doing them harm. No one wants that for them. Waanjais as a WHOLE need to think before we act/tweet instead of +
throwing hate and harsh words at each other because at the end of the day it all falls back onto Mew and Gulf. I'm not exactly sure when the toxicity grew so rapidly but it's truly concerning. I do understand that by posting this thread I will probably get hate and people might +
attack me for it but I truly think something needs to change with the #MewGulf fandom. I feel like at this point I'm just repeating myself and I'm not great at getting my thoughts out but I urge everyone who sees this post to read through it without a warped viewpoint and +
realize we can only change the toxicity in this fandom together. And it's not going to change over night but if we all put in an effort to not start petty fights with each other or trending hate hashtags I believe it truly will get better. +
One last thing I'd like to point out is that Mew and Gulf have talked about bullying multiple times and that's the very thing their fandom that they love so much is doing almost daily WITH EACH OTHER. Stay united and remember we all want what's best for both of them and if +
anyone is a part of the fandom and doesn't want Mew to do well or Gulf to do well please kindly leave because we don't want you here.

Stay safe out there!
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