A mercifully short thread, you'll be relieved to know! As promised, some photos to go with the various #Dunkirk80 #Dunkirk1940 threads of the last few days. The Sgt's Mess diary of 133 Field Ambulance has been the main source for the threads so, it's time you met the Mess... 1
"Outside the Sgts. Mess (Estaminet), Monchy Cayeaux, May 1940" L to R: Sgt Summerfield; Frenchman; RSM Muggridge; QMS Goodman; Sgt Pudney; Sgt David; Proprietresses of pub; Pte. Brace; Unknown; Sgt Wenham; Sgt Major(RASC); French RSM; Sgt Rose; Sgt Roberts; Frenchman; Sgt Morgan.
The reunions. It was Les Montague who finally twisted some arms & got a few of the 133 boys together in 1990. Unbelievably, some of them had not seen each other since 28 May 1940! My father only started to talk more openly about 'events' after these meetings began...
As the years went by attendance grew but, then the numbers dwindled as time caught up with so many of them, When Dad died I was invited to join them, to sit in his chair, an honour & a privilege. Myself & Ron Anderson he holding court, talking about Dad & the Cafe Jonval.
Finally, I was so proud to call these four reprobates my friends. To sit and listen to them talking, reminiscing, disagreeing then laughing was an such a pleasure. All were POW's. From the left: Ray Brotherwood, Norman 'Ginger' Barnett, (myself) Doug Underwood & John Osborne.
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