I need help guys. I can’t go to a protest right now(although I really want to)&there arent any close by. I have been trying my best to educate people I come in to contact with.. but, as many of you know - where I live isnt a place that takes kindly to this kind of education 1/?
People here are angry about the looting and riots. When I try to make them understand why it’s happening, they don’t seem to care. Has anyone ever successfully had a conversation like this? With people who might support, but can’t look past what makes them angry? 2/?
If you’ve successfully had even a conversation about what’s going on, &why we should be supportive.. how did it go? What can I be saying to better help people understand? I want to be better and help in the ways that I can, but I just.. I can’t seem to get through to people 3/?
So please! DM me, reply to me, text me, whatever. I want help, so that I can better help. I know it’s not much, and I know this thread isn’t very coherent.. but I would appreciate some insight
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