yall are sheep. he’s not gonna pick you because you defended him. he’s an adult. we are simply holding him accountable for his actions. if you really did love someone, you call them out when they are wrong and try to educate them! dream i know you hate me now but please know I
had good intentions. Yes some tweets were aggressive and i take responsibility for that but i was upset. I’ve seen how people treat those with disabilities and i’m just helping to defend them. I really did have so much respect for you dream, i really did, but you
decided instead of a heart felt apology, you were gonna just tweet a bunch of your fans allowing your sheep fans to attack us. I have supported you so much dream, I really did love you to bits and I wanted you to know that what you were doing was wrong. You can block me again
but i’ve put so much energy into making DreamTeamTWT a happy and safe space for so long, I never wanted this to get like this. I’m sincerely sorry if it felt like I was doing this on purpose. I was not. Also, I know many GCs are slagging me off right now and calling me names
but please know I do not want to cancel him. I never did. I just wanted him to know that he is an influential person with so many younger fans, who will agree with everything he says. He should use his platform for good or just not at all. Anyway, if you’ve read this far
i’m very appreciative, please know I love you all. Thank you <3
@DreamWasTaken please read this
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