This is amazing, and we encourage all of you to follow suit if you have the means/keep signal boosting #BlackLiveMatter

But from a show that ruins its solid POC characters, and underdevelops it’s marginalized characters seems disingenuous
Josie season one started out being a strong, empowered artist, yet by the end of her tenure on Riverdale was reduced to nothing but a way for Archie to burden with emotional labour and make her change the main character (not to mention they beat her down with gross plots)
Happy she’s on Katy Keene thriving (somewhat). Toni is a badass, but has a severally underdeveloped character, and gets emotionally manipulated by Cheryl because she’s basically a kept partner with no other choice that to placate to her volitial emotions!
She gaslit her for the first few episodes of season 4, and backtracked any work that she did for their relationship
Sweet Pea is virtually nonexistent in the show, and when he was he was either overly aggressive or a silent background player succumbing to the whims of his white counter parts
Fangs gets more screen time than Sweet Pea, but more of the same aggressive behaviour. Also, he basically joined a cult, and got manipulated into being another farmie stooge with a redemption arc that never addressed his underlying issues.
Even Veronica, a main cast and core four member, gets used as a plot device to uplift and enable her stupid and aggressive boyfriend. And he character arc hasn’t gone past “daddy issues”.
Archie also treats her like garbage, making her feel bad constantly for not supporting his dreams when she BANKROLLS him in the show!

We haven’t even touched on their LGBTQ representation in the show (weak, hopeless characters who are used as plot pieces for the main characters)
I don’t know where this thread was going, but here we are.

While we appreciate the financial support (and it’s more than most people with power are doing) as well as the inclusion of LGBTQ and POC’s in the show. The WAY you show that representation matters.
When all your POC and LGBTQ characters are just used to service the cis straight white cast, that’s a problem. POC’s on this show have no identity outside their proximity to the white characters on this show. And they’re mostly used to take on emotional labour and educate.
Hopefully, you’ll keep this in mind when you write season 5, and do better.
In conclusion, we hope all of you are staying safe and doing all you can to fight the oppressive systems of power, standing up for black (and other marginalized, but specifically black) voices, and fighting for the freedoms of EVERYONE! Especially Black people

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