I think it’s important to note how many white people (specifically white gay cis males) are quick to retweet black lives matter or attend a protest but treat the black women in their lives with the upmost disrespect and malice.
I’m talking about you @chasealanparker who has not only stolen from me but broken my possessions, used his racist White parents against me, and has displayed me to everyone as a crazy blackgirl. How dare you commit these performative acts while committing heinous acts against me
THIS is what I had to deal with for MONTHS on top of an ongoing roach problem caused by his room
He never paid for December or January rent and just stopped showing up to the house, and stopped responding to my calls/texts. When we were evicted my name was still on the lease - he never showed up to court and i was there by myself
Let’s first talk about how @chasealanparker asked me to leave the apartment we shared because his racist grandparents were coming over
Living with him felt so uncomfortable because I never knew where my things were going. He would steal drinks from me, vape juice, facial products and wouldn’t tell me he did until I asked. I was constantly on his ass about rent bc he wouldn’t ever pay on time - sometimes weeks
Let’s also talk about how he broke my MacBook, lied about it then promised he would pay for it which he never did. Or when he would never pay his portion of rent OR electricity and would leave me in the house with no lights/electricity and go to his bf
I finally moved out by the end of November and found a roommate for him. I couldn’t get the new roommate on the lease because @chasealanparker didn’t pay rent and chase tried to say I owed him money to basically avoid paying me
I did in December finally
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