I am not sure people realize the weight of what Trump said. He wants to make it ILLEGAL to be antifascist. Which ultimately means: you will HAVE to adhere to fascism BY LAW. & yes, this is also a push towards civil war / secession of states.
& all that he + GOP are doing is trying to instigate for reasons that will allow that. If you are from or lived in any of the dictatorial regimes you know how this happens. You know how they exploit chaos to grab the power. None of this is surprising. It’s playbook strategy.
The most vulnerable people are being baited into a trap — protests & organizations are being infiltrated — crimes are being committed by perpetrators who will conveniently disappear so that the entire movement could be blamed. Disinformation campaign on steroids.
& all of this is happening not even in the shadow but in the limelight of the pandemic. Resulting deaths are not collateral damage — but one of the strategic goals. Holding the nation’s citizens & the world hostage fo fear IS the purpose. There was no intention to resolve this.
There was only the intention to make it worse, much, much worse. Drive people towards despair — death, illness, injury, poverty, imprisonment of the loved ones — & then use that resulting chaos. This is the long fight. It won’t be won without a strategy.
Every mistake will be exploited & used to push us towards the brink of national, then international, then global conflicts. Pandemic + Biosphere*Climate Collapse + Collapse of major nation states is rendering the planet into a tinderbox. None of this is ‘other people’s’ problem.
It’s you me us yes all of us in this together. There is no ‘normal’ to go back to, never has been. The very foundation of ‘normal’ has been brute, vile exploitation: of people & of this planet. There’s no surprise in what we are living — the lies of the normal is what led us here
There are two futures available to us & no it’s not about left or right. It’s about continuing destruction or fully engaging in the regeneration. Sustainability has always been a joke - there’s no way to sustain exploitational systems & hope for anything else but collapse.
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