it's so fucking painful to see people shitting on crumb for being "ignorant" or just putting up an act. i also doubted her at first, but getting to know her and becoming her friend over the past 2 months has proved to me she isn't faking anything. it just makes me so sad that peo
ple are so adamantly attacking her on such little knowledge of what she's like. i think it's really good that all of you people that are 14, 15, 16 years old are well educated and know these things, but i don't think it's fair to hold that standard to everyone just because you me
et it. crumb isn't "guilt tripping" anyone. it may come across like that, but she's genuinely upset and it's just really hard to see her like this. i understand that you might think since you educated yourself and act more mature at her age that she's obligated to do the same, bu
t the fact of the matter is that she isn't! don't shit on her for not being like you, especially if you WANT her to be like you and become more mature and educated. every time she's said something wrong or at the wrong time, she's realized it and apologized. in a time where there
is so much hate everywhere, it should be our JOB as the mature and educated people to help educate others who don't know as much. crumb isn't shitting on anyone! she just doesn't want people to be fighting and arguing! if you want to do your part and contribute to black lives mat
ter and contribute to educating people who don't know as much, shitting on them and talking about how immature they are isn't going to solve anything! you're just fanning more flames and making everything more toxic! but i believe that since you are fighting for this movement, yo
u are mature and perfectly able to calm down, reevaluate, and help educate people like crumb who need the education. what's the point in flaming her? who gains from that? in a time where we need to be united and stand for what's right, what do you gain from pulling us apart?
i am not defending crumb because she's "baby" or "innocent" or whatever. i think it's important that she becomes educated too! but i'm defending her as her friend. i don't want anyone to attack her, but i also don't want people to flame those attacking her because that will just
create more toxicity in the community. we should all work together to help those who are angry at crumb calm down and take a step back, and those who think crumb is immature to help educate her. no one gains from pointless argument. arguing and attacking each other will overshado
w what this movement is really about. i know everyone is passionate and it's really important that people become educated about the lives of black individuals, but this is not the way to do it. you are making people want to leave twitter because of pointless toxicity.
please just stop arguing and work together. we are all fighting for the same thing.
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