1./ A thread on the death of Larry Kramer and the dangers of rewriting history. The great gay rights campaigner & writer died last week and was immediately lauded by the 'gender identity' lobby as if he was one of them. Here's trans activist @MorganeOgerBC doing just that. 👇
2./ Whether "she" would have said RIP if "she'd" bothered to research his views is a different matter. All the usual suspects proclaimed their respect and grief. Here's @jcrdandaly who "delivers LGBT-inclusive education" in Scottish schools doing it.👇
3./ Let's hope Daly's @tiecampaign doesn't have anything to do with history classes if his grasp of Kramer's views is anything to go by. As for @PinkNews who never lose an opportunity to plumb the depths of their own dumbness this was their take. 👇
5./ "Ignore the crazies", was his advice. Pink News used to agree. In 2015 on their website the headline was Kramer "tears into crazies". As Kramer said, "There seems to be no one left alive to say "it wasn't that way at all" or "who the fuck & where the fuck were you?" Oops.👇
6./ So much has changed since 2015 when Stonewall that bloated cash register of a charity decided to weaponise trans rights as part of its business plan. Here's its deceptive critique of the movie where it claims trans women of colour drove the riot. 👇 https://www.stonewall.org.uk/node/21292 
7./ The article says, its leading activists "were primarily trans women of colour, drag queens and butch identifying lesbians". Nice to see butch lesbians hadn't been erased (yet) but strange how ordinary gay men played no significant role at all in the birth of gay rights.😂
8./ It's this sort of woke gay-hating that Kramer loathed with a passion. He saw its roots in the baloney of "queer" theory that gave us the ever-multiplying LGBTQ+ acronym in the first place. Here he denounces queer theory as a "Heist on Our History". 👇 https://glreview.org/article/queer-theorys-heist-of-our-history/
9./ He hated queer theory's insistence that a recognisable homosexuality didn't exist through history but was just a by product of capitalism's obsession with defining our unruly desires. When Kramer railed against this in 2009 the gay press applauded. 👇 https://www.advocate.com/society/activism/2009/04/29/larry-kramers-case-against-queer
10./ He'd donated $1M to Yale for a lesbian and gay history course which was promptly sucked into a gender & queer theory saw mill. In response he fulminated in a speech at the university . "I am not queer. And neither are you!" 👇
11./ Kramer knew a movement that doesn't respect its own history would be in trouble. What would people who don't care about the truth be prepared to sign up for? Stuff like this maybe? Here's Pippa Bunce winning the 2018 Inspirational LGBT+ Leader award 👇
13./ And here's Tate Britain promoting a Queer Walk Through British Art with err.. LGBTQ icons such as Monroe Bergdorf and Sasha Valour waxing lyrical on art. Here's Sasha (of Ru Paul's Drag Race fame) reducing a famous lesbian artist to "clearly a queer person". 👇
14./ Forget that the artist Marlow Moss was taught by Léger, inspired Mondrian and deserves better than this dumbed down garbage. She was a lesbian but instead of any reference to this they claim she "didn't identify as the gender she was born with". Yep, she's been transed.
17./ That homophobia permeates much of the gender identity industry who in their hearts believe most little fem boys are really girls and butch girls are really boys. Here's a therapist in a video for @GIRESUK salivating at the prospect of putting a boy on puberty blockers.
18./ And it's not just boys. There's an even more profound attack underway on the mental health of girls who aren't "gender conforming" with social media full of celebrations, for example, of the wearing of chest binders in preparation for eventual breast removal by surgery.
19./ The gender identity lobby has embarked on a wholesale erasure of gay history, is steeped in homophobic contempt for gays (and transsexuals for that matter) and wants to medicalise young lesbians and gays. How will we overcome it? In part by following Larry Kramer's example.
20./ We need his passion. Here it is in full flow in the movie, 'How to Survive a Plague' about his inspirational ACT-UP movement that defied the political and medical establishment to try to protect gay men from AIDS & to speed drug access.
21./ We also need his pride. He didn't think 'gay' was part of a narcissistic spectrum of navel-gazing "identities" worn as lightly as some Pippa Bunce dress. He thought we were special and believed our history and our stories should be cherished. He was right.
22./ Above all we'll need his conviction. At first he and his supporters were a tiny band hated by the gay establishment. Today our LGBT establishment are as blind to the danger the gender identity plague poses as their predecessors were to AIDS. It's time to open their eyes.
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