Here's a thread of 11 tws that promote TKY:
I am one of the proud first 250 subscribers of TKY, and I'll be lying to say that I didn't even miss one live, in fact, I missed tons of them and am too lazy to watch them again.
But I guarantee you, the more I watch his live,➡️
➡️the more I become in love with him. He is really trying his best to communicate with the fans, and is trying his best to read the messages sent to him. In fact, my mails have been read out for a few times and I thought that I'm gonna die. He is really trying to spend time ➡️
➡️with the fans through this live, as that's what fans always want, communication and "fresh" them.
He really set everything up by himself (well with the help of ShinDong) and went from notebook in Japan, to all the equipments like light, mic, 2 screens... We literally witness ➡️
➡️how he set everything up, and it went from super lagging PPT to this high quality two camera YT live that you can see right now.
In TKY, you can see the real him, being excited for more viewers and being annoyed by being too full (really cute). He might not be my bias but➡️
➡️it doesn't feels right for me to skip a live of TKY now. His voice is so soft that I felt my heart and soul being healed.
He talks about all kinds of stuff, sometimes, he sing, he plays the piano, he rap, he have viewers sent emails of them doing voice imitations, play➡️
➡️mobile games, etc... You can find all kinds of contents here. It might not be well prepared like KyuTV, or well edited like Shindonhdingdong or Siwon or Ryeowook's channel, but it is definitely worth watching as everytime, he talks about something different. It could be about➡️
➡️the past stories or the behind the scene now. He really work hard on running the YT channel with all he can without the help from SM. I mean, even the edited ones are edited by the fans who sent it to him through emails for him to post.
I know it is hard to understand ➡️
➡️him as it's just him, talking, but there are fans (like me) that helps translate live in the comment section. Even though it's just broken translation, and he won't even see it, we still does this in hopes of getting more people watching his live, because he's worth it.➡️
➡️ Interaction with idols is always what fans would want, and this is a perfect platform if you are an ELF. It's ok if you don't know Korean, use a translator to translate and sent your message of love to him (I recommend using Papago instead of Google Translate, it's more ➡️
➡️ accurate). He will try his best to figure out what you mean. You see how happy he is with 10,000 people watching. That's how happy you can make him, so why don't we keep this going? Won't you be disappointed of suddenly the number of viewers dropped? Please, subscribe to TKY➡️
And be sure to turn on the notification. There's no TKY love that's worth skipping.
#leeteuk #superjunior #sj #suju @special1004 @SJofficial #kisstheyoutube #tky #YouTubeLive #슈퍼주니어 #슈주 #이특
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