Seen a lot of people tweeting about potential infiltrations of hate groups, KKK members and Neo-Nazis. If this is the case, they will most likely try to communicate with one another using codes and symbols associated with white supremacy. This could be a way to spot them
I am a former "centrist" that slowly realised the groups I was hanging out in were being hijacked by hate groups. These are some of the symbols I have personally seen them use
311 - Numeric (3x11= 3xK = KKK)
88 - Numeric - "Heil Hitler"
AIM - Image, acronym - The American Identity movement, a neo-Nazi group. Their symbol is found below
28/B&H - Numerical - "Blood & Honour"
If you see any images like these on anyone around you at protests/accounts with these symbols following you, run like fuck or block them, and warn others
GOOD IMAGERY -- If you don't know who to trust or find yourself surrounded by people with symbols like the ones previously mentioned, here are a few symbols ANTIFA and anarchist movements use
The black & red flag, in which the two colours are side beside diagonally like this, is the anarchist flag
1312/ACAB means "all cops are bastards". It is used by ANTIFA and anti-police brutality protesters in general and has been in the punk movement for decades
Three arrows - This has been an anti-Nazism symbol since 1932
No Gods, No Masters - Anarchist & labour slogan, in use since the late 19th century
Sabo Tabby/Sabo Cat - Industrial World Workers symbol, a labour union with ties to socialist and anarchist groups
IMPORTANT: The raised fist is a BLM sign, but ONLY IF IT IS BLACK. Please do NOT spread images around of a white fist. THIS IS A NEO-NAZI SYMBOL. They will try to infiltrate BLM groups using imagery like this. Please be wary if you see anyone spreading images of a white fist
Note: ACAB has been used by neo-Nazis in the past. I personally have not seen them use it in a long time due to the distaste they have expressed at seeing it reclaimed by anarchist groups. But it's a good idea not to trust someone based on their use of ACAB alone to be safe
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