Dear FAKE allies. Stop putting more black lives at risk by doing shit that will get blacks blamed, beaten, or killed. Don’t use this as an excuse to exercise your own demons. This isn’t about you. This is about them. This is about a broken two party system that needs to change.
The world is watching us. It’s funny how I see majority of people being peaceful, embracing police officers, coming up with ideas to put to action that can bring about change. Yet there are people posing as “allies” who are making matters worse. Majority of us want change.
Stop fucking this up just because you love chaos and want a viral fucking IG pic. This could be a huge moment in the history of our country and is up to US to call out the people who want us to stay divided. Rational action will always beat emotional action in the long run. Turn
Emotions into passion, turn passion into action.
You can follow @PaulCalafiore_.
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