Thread: People of ill will use the cover of darkness to wreak evil deeds, and people who show up at protests, whether cops or civilians, wearing gas masks seem to feel that they are in the Twitterverse, and act as if their actions have no consequences.
Avoid night marches, as the fearful will use the cover of night as an excuse to act like fools.
Civilian review boards should be set up in EVERY city in which police or National Guard presences turned violent, to assess the actions of all. Get moms & teachers to serve.2)
All police and quasi-military forces present at marches must have their identification-badges numbers and last names, at a minimum-displayed. If you are serving and protecting, why be ashamed to let anyone know who you are? 3)
Civilians who show up anonymized, with gas masks, sunglasses and arms, should be turned away by authorities. They’re not there in solidarity, they are there to foment violence and chaos.
If you are a community leader, act like one. 4)
Do not let yourself or your followers be led into violence. You cannot save lives by encouraging them to be taken on your watch. Be an agent of change, not of anarchy.
We have to be bigger and better than the fascists and white supremacists. 5)
Any one of us can model behavior. Model the behavior of people who are admirable, and not that of the despicable.
We all have the seeds of Dr. King, of Kennedy, of Gandhi, of Mother Teresa within us. Plant those seeds and watch them grow. Peace.
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