
I think I've finally reached my boiling point with politics, so I'm just gonna be as blunt as I possibly can:

F*ck everything about politics. I hate them so much now. I hate everyone involved with them. It's just... I wanna die because of all of you.
You Democrats keep going out of your way to lambast the right and everyone in it to the point where you don't even want to be associated with your own families because they are Republican.
My parents are Republican. Hell, my grandparents are supposedly Trump supporters. Yet, they all still love me, but that doesn't matter to you guys apparently. Everyone who is a Republican is racist is what all you say, so I guess my family, who isn't racist, is racist?
Of course, I could just go left, but all that does is apparently make me look like a tryhard, so I can't do that.

Now all I want to do is not even think about politics, but that's apparently bad too because now I look like I don't care about the world around.
Well, I'm sorry that politics make me wanna go smash my brains out. I swear, this website is all just politics, politics, politics. Nothing but politics. Politics and Trump bashing and billionaire bashing and Republican bashing and I just wanna leave this site for good.
So why don't I? Well, I'll tell you why. It's because this sh!thole of a site unfortunately has good stuff on it. I've met a lot of great people through Twitter, and some of those people post great art through Twitter.
But to get through all of it, I also have to suffer through seemingly billions and billions of political tweets, and now with the truly unfortunate George Floyd situation, it has only gotten worse.
I had a somewhat heated argument with my dad a couple of hours ago, and now I just wanna die. I'd kill myself, hell I bet everyone would want me to at this point, but I really don't wanna go through with it. I have so much to live for, and yet, I don't wanna live it.
Tl;dr: Politics Finally Broke Me :(
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