We need to also be doing the reading alongside supporting Black protestors financially, materially, and, if possible, physically.

Folks have been posting some really important pieces of literature and I’ll link them all in this thread. If you can, I suggest reading them today:
Will add more as I come across them, but thank you to @HalfAtlanta @GoldWomyn @thebryreed @cynfinite for collecting these links and making these important pieces of work readily available.
@NonameBooks will be reading these two books for the upcoming month: https://twitter.com/sac________/status/1267091547436265473?s=21

Also consider joining the group’s Patreon. https://twitter.com/sac________/status/1267091547436265473
All of the folks who are collecting these texts and many of the authors of said texts are still around and can also use monetary support if you’re able, btw.
@citeblackwomen is also posting lots of good resources on their page: https://twitter.com/citeblackwomen/status/1267159016385458177?s=21 (you should also be following them - ESPECIALLY if you’re a non-Black academic) https://twitter.com/citeblackwomen/status/1267159016385458177
Texts, podcasts, and more in this thread: https://twitter.com/jaybeware/status/1266933955154116615?s=21 https://twitter.com/jaybeware/status/1266933955154116615
You can follow @ArchaeologyFitz.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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