I feel intense anger and sadness when I see this video. But also intense shame. The truth is I saw this video years ago, and many more like it, before and since. And the truth is I have not done enough to stop them from continuing to happen. https://twitter.com/_SJPeace_/status/1266695195808186369
I have not done enough to protect my brothers and sisters. I have not done enough to protect my own sons. 4 black and beautiful young men who are targets in their own country.
My donations, the organizations I support or even join, the mentoring I do, the communities I volunteer in, a few diversity panels, some stories I tell, my goddamn tweets... They are not enough.
I have perfected the art of doing things to ease my conscience, so I can sleep at night, while this country goes back to doing business as usual. And that business is committed to brutalizing black bodies. I have not done enough. And I am ashamed.
To the people on the frontlines who ARE doing enough. The people who show up every time and risk life and limb and property and "prosperity" to fight for us... for my sons and my beautiful wife and my brothers and sisters - I say thank you... AND I am sorry.
I should have been there with you yesterday. And last month and last year and... I am sorry that I stood rooting on the sidelines while you confront centuries of oppression and tragedy. I am here now, ready to do much more than sing a song and send some $
For the rest of us - especially white american bystanders who claim to be for justice but don't move accordingly... the ones who have not done enough, and they know it - I have one simple question: Are you ready now?
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