My fellow Asian Americans: We have been taught all our lives to behave, to respect our elders, to fit in and please the white system that holds the control. Get the high grades. Keep our mouths shut. Ignore the microaggressions and absorb the harm and don't stir up trouble.
Smile and be thankful when we are "accepted." The behavior we have been taught is built into our culture so many ways—from filial piety, to pressure to be the model minority, to the intense fear of shame that is built into our rules of social etiquette.
Did you know the term "losing face" first came into the English language via the British community trading in China in the 1800s? It makes sense, doesn't it? 丟臉. The worst thing that could happen, according to our elders.
Well. Let me ask you this. Is that worse than Black people dying again, and again, and again? Is that worse than systemic racism that protects the police and their continued murders, but offers no protection for entire communities—no protection for an entire race?
White supremacy affects us all. We need to stop conforming to white ideology. We need to call out problematic language and problematic thinking in ALL our communities. One might argue *especially* with fellow Asians, where we are on an equal footing in terms of privilege.
Silence and inaction make you complicit. Talk to your people now. I'm sick of being the good, well-behaved, quiet Asian. I'm sick of dancing around topics because I might hurt the feelings of white people who have never truly had their privilege called into question.
It's hard to speak out on harmful things family and friends of ANY race say. I grew up in predominantly white environments and learned, as so many do, to let it pass me by. But I won’t erase myself and my morals for the comfort of others anymore. This is a matter of life & death.
(Addendum: When I say that in speaking to fellow Asians we are on an equal footing in terms of privilege, I am speaking relatively. Please keep in mind that for example, East Asians hold more privilege than South Asians and more privilege than Pacific Islanders.)
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