Who was president when Trayvon was killed? When Sandra was killed? When Mike Brown was killed? When Freddie Gray was killed?

The US is a settler-colonial government founded upon and rooted in white supremacy. You don’t vote that shit away. You burn it down. https://twitter.com/chrissyteigen/status/1266956676898287618
“The worst thing that could happen is this all happening for nothing.”

You think voting for the symbolically lesser evil will maintain the radical changes we want? You think change will come with the DNC? We want Black and indigenous autonomy and freedom.
Also: “KEEP THIS SAME ENERGY WHEN YOU VOTE” — sure. We can burn the ballot boxes too. Because we’re sure as fuck not going to vote for the very same democrats who boosted police funding and who support mass incarceration and capitalism.
to state, “The worst thing that could happen is this all happening for nothing,” erases the purpose of the protests. People aren’t protesting because they want Biden for pres. or a majority democrat house/senate. Nor would that bring us justice and liberation.
To pin the majority of your hopes on a truly democratic process in this fucking hell hole is laughable, naive, and ignorant.

It ignores the fact that this is an illegitimate nation-state, it ignores the roots of oppression and the state maintenance of them.
When you’re rich and privileged and completely out of touch with the history and current context of worker-led, BIPOC-led leftist movements, it’s best to just open your fucking purse, not your mouth.
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