some of y’all are way more upset about the looting of businesses than you are about the death of black lives and it is most unpleasant to me and my homegirls
the high-jacking of the black lives matter protests in order to loot businesses is not okay but that should go without saying.

y’all don’t want people painting white people or cops with broad brushes, so don’t paint protestors with one. okay?
if most or all of your tweets about #blacklivesmatter or george floyd are critiques of the protests and protestors themselves, i need you to go ahead and log off for me, because clearly you care more about the police and corporate dollars than you do about police brutality.
and while i don’t *condone* looting or vandalism, i not only understand it (if it comes from a place of pain), i don’t feel bad if it happens to a damn burberry or a wells fargo. a mcdonald’s burning down is not worse or even “just as bad” as the murder of an unarmed black man.
protesting in a way that makes those unaffected happy, or in a way that doesn’t inconvenience those in power, is pointless.

protests are supposed to be uncomfortable. protests are supposed to catch your attention. protests are supposed to be unavoidable and impossible to ignore.
so those of you *tone policing* a rebellion and a community fighting for our own lives IN THE MIDDLE OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC, without even knowing if those genuinely protesting police brutality are also the ones looting, need to shut the fuck — and i cannot stress this enough — UP.
not to mention the fact that not only is it usually the police that escalate protests from peaceful to violent and chaotic, the media doesn’t always cover them from start to finish or apply coverage equally and properly assign blame.

but sure, focus on the looting.
the protests are overwhelmingly peaceful. but chaos brings in ratings and paints a certain picture. and you marks fall for it every time. so then what’s the point?
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